
Da BeezNeez

"Playing away..."

Thursday, October 13, 2005

This one is for all the sushi and computer lovers out there...

Here's something that I thought was really cool. I want one of these, but too bad it costs $100 just for 64MB. I bet you can buy this is Japan for really cheap. Couldn't you just imagine the possibilities and the endless conversations you would have if you had a sushi USB key?

....mmmm....I could sure go for some sushi today.

Below is the summer camp video that Rev. Powell did for us...it's pretty funny...especially when random things just pop up...hahaha....the David Hasselhoff one reminded me of the Sponge Bob Movie...hahaha....ahh the memories...

I've decided to take the movie off due to problems with the server, but you can still watch it at google videos. Just go to http://video.google.com/videoplay?ocid=5200317532652912341&q=%22Summer+Camp+Video%22+playable%3Atrue
