
Da BeezNeez

"Playing away..."

Friday, February 10, 2006

Hmm...I wonder...

I wonder what the temperature needs to be before the pipes start freezing? It definitely has to be at 0°C in order to freeze, but since cold water is already pretty cold, it might not take that long for it to freeze. Last night was very cold...I think it dipped down into the 15°C range. I know you're thinking that's not cold, but it is....TRUST ME!

I opened the furnace last night to see if I could fix it. I was hoping that it was just the belt and I could fix it. I also figured it would be the standard furnace with a belt from the motor to the fan, but no....it had to be this complicated unit where the fan and the motor are 1 unit...no belt.

So then I reached into the furnace and tried to fiddle with the fan and then the motor turned on and cut off my finger!! OUCH!! I quickly started to internally push real hard (almost like the pooing kind of push) and a new finger popped right out...

Actually, I spun the fan around and it seemed to be working and then I looked at the motor and it was making a buzzing noise so I think the motor is broken.

Do you know how I got the degrees sign( ° ) to appear?

Well, this for all you people out there that always superscript the "o" to get the degrees sign. DON'T do that...it wastes time. All you have to do is push "ALT + 0 1 7 6". Yup.... that's ALT zero one seven six. Try it...

"The freezing point of water is 0°C, the boiling point of water is 100°C."

That's my geeky tip of the day....hahahaha (°,..,°) <- That's my vampire...hahaha

...I'm such a loser...
