
Da BeezNeez

"Playing away..."

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I need to...

do something.....anything....

I hate doing stupid work. It's totally useless. I just found out today that the guy that I'm doing this work for is leaving the company. I hope they don't expand his role to me because I WOULD ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!!!

It's kind of nice having a parking spot. I definitely wake up later and it's always a nice drive. There's never any doubt if you're going to find a spot and all you do is just casually roll in.

I need new music to listen to. I'm kind of tired of listening to my music. Maybe I'll go and download some today at work...hahahaha.

I hate expectations. It seems like in today's society, there are always expectations. For example, you're expected to go to school and get a degree and after you go to school, start work. I dunno if I want to work right after I graduate. I kind of want to go do other stuff. I want to do something that I really want to do. It's totally true that you have to find your own opportunities. Nothing is ever going to fall in your lap. I want to experience things outside of the normal and really get the most out of my youth.

I kind of feel like dropping everything and just leave. My parents would freak, but it would be so cool to just go.

Things I want to do:
1. Go to Hillsongs Australia - Maybe even enroll in their college?
2. Travel to Europe...see the cool sites.
3. Travel to Egypt...see the cool pyramids.
4. Become a ROCKSTAR!

I think I'm going to start writing worship songs. I've always wanted to do that, and I've written a couple, but those are usually spontaneous songs while I'm worshipping and I pretty much forget them the next day. The thing about writing worship songs is that you have to look at the motive of writing it. If you just want to write a song that'll become famous and be on the next Passion CD, then you should definitely not be writing songs. It's all about the heart man...hehehe.

I remember listening to Darrell Evans at Breakforth and how he become a songwriter. At first, all he wanted to do was get into the business and make really fantastic songs (who doesn't?), but he kept on getting rejected by Vineyard. Finally, he just gave up and decided not to try to force it in himself, but let God do the work. Before you know it, he was picked up by Integrity (which was the label he didn't want to get in to), but it opened doors for him. I remember him saying to give your dreams to God, and let Him open doors. That doesn't mean stop working, but rely on the fact that God has amazing things in store for you.

What's my dream?

My dream is to have a growing, deep youth group that'll go beyond the normal and do amazing things for God. My dream is to have super fantastic worship at church day in and day out, week after week. My dream is that our church will explode with people that are thirsty and passionate for God to move.

Whoa...this is a long blog...hehehe...time to go back to work!
